Don't Buy, Lease or Rent Credit Card Machines, Credit Card Software or Merchant Accounts! Take Your Choice of a Free Credit Card Machine or Free Credit Card Software with a Free Merchant Account!
It Can Be Easy and Affordable to Accept all non-cash payments, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, ATM, and Electronic Checks.
New Business, Small Business, or Existing Business: get a Free Merchant Account, Free Credit Card Machine or Free Online Credit Card Processing Software, Merchant Cash Advance Options.
We Offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
High Risk Merchant Accounts? Yes!
High Risk Merchants are businesses that have a high credit rate
or a business that has a high turnover but also, an increased risk
of fraud.
Merchants who run high risk businesses have a hard time finding credit card processing
options. Very few online merchant account providers are willing
to take the risk to support the merchants and provide them with
a high risk merchant account, in case they do, the charges applied
are so high that usually it is not feasible.
High Risk credit card payment gateway from companies like ProcessUSA and Entrust Bankcard allow you to accept Visa / Master credit cards against very competitive rates. We processes for both low-risk and high-risk merchant accounts. We set your rates as determined by your type of business. "Low risk" businesses such as web hosting qualify for a lower rate, whereas a "High risk" business such as pharmacy merchant account have higher rates. A business is generally classified as high risk when both its chargeback potential and the likelihood that it will shut its doors and disappear over-night are considered high based on the history of that type of business